Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Unique Whips

Apparently this is some sort of car tuning program, where celebrities give some guy their cars, and he makes them ugly by adding expensive parts...

And the guy doing the tint on some guy's windows just stated that the level of tin he was applying to the window was illegal. He used the reasoning that the dude is rich and famous, so he won't get in trouble. Man, what a great country we live in.

And I should really turn this crap off. I honestly have no idea why I'm watching this. But the only thing I've got on the DVR is Merlin's Apprentice. And that's apparently 4 hours long. I'm not prepared for that level of commitment right now.

The Speed channel would be far superiour if they showed Top Gear. And I even added the British "u" to superiour out of longing...


Su said...

A.) Get BBC America
B.) Unique Whips sucks
C.) If I saw that car I would pull it over so fast and give the guy a HUGE ticket.

Dan said...

Troy, who the hell are you? And why are you calling my favorite reader an idiot?

I'm assuming that based on your links, you are somehow related to that ridiculous show that I watched, and couldn't make it through an entire episode. I guess my criticism was too subtle for you. So, I guess the moral of this story is like Thumper may have said in an unrated version of Bambi: "If you don't have anything nice to say, you can go ahead and just go to hell."

Su said...

Wow... I'm... I'm... Wow...

Su said...

This post makes me giggle every time.