Tuesday, January 20, 2009


What's the new building on the west side of the Air and Space Museum?

And it seems kind of absurd that they just introduced some guy just so he could introduce the some Justice who is administering the Vice Presidential Oath of Office.

This guy's clarinet is absurd. He's got random red bits on it... looks completely strange. And I like how expressive Yo Yo Ma is when he plays... his hair is flying all over the place. or at least as much as it can with his hairstyle.

And its now 12:03. I was promised the Presidential Oath of Office at noon. Great start to the Obama Administration. Already starting late.

Way to flub the Oath of Office Barack. So your first action as President is to screw up an oath that has been the same for a multitude of years, that you could probably have practiced a few times. Well played, sir.

And apparently he's left handed. So he's got that going for him...

Didn't pay much attention. Finished up the M14, except for the wiring. So hopefully I should be done sometime soon.

Oh yeah. And that poem was terrible. And whoever read it (I'm guessing the poet) was not a compelling speaker. Was painful to listen to. Awkward pauses at random points in time.

1 comment:

Su said...

I'm so glad I didn't watch. And by the by, I think bringing your politics on here might be what guy from work was advising you to censor.