Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sea Kittens?

So apparently PETA wants to call fish "sea kittens" to make them more adorable and make people less likely to eat them. That's the dumbest thing I've heard in a long time.

It makes me want to eat fish more than I did before, just to punish PETA and their dumb ideas. But then again, this is coming from the person who was tempted to take up vegetarianism after taking Botany class. I despised that class so much that I didn't want to waste any time eating meat, but instead wanted to focus all my energy on eradicating as many plants as possible.

1 comment:

Su said...

A.) Vegetarians are eating the rainforest.

B.) Yes, I would have happy draggin my cats along the carpet PETA, I've done it before and they enjoy it... oddly enough, so no, I don't feel bad dragging a fish through the water.

C.) The Icthyology professor here changed the name to The Biology of Sea Kittens as a joke to PETA. We all like to eat fish here. And not only are they against eating fish, they are against recreational catch and release fishing.