Thursday, January 15, 2009


Kurt Russel + Gigantic Mustache... Lots of famous people with lots of fantastic facial hair and lots of fancy hats. What's not to like?

Pistol whippings in the movie: 3 (I may have missed some, but these 3 were quite ferocious)
Slappings in this movie: Too many to count.

Wyatt Earp after repeatedly slapping some guy: "You gonna do somethin'? Or are you just gonna stand there and bleed?"

Doc Holliday after someone informing him that he was too drunk to shoot, and was probably seeing double: "I have two guns, one for each of ya."

Wyatt Earp pointing a gun at some guy's head after Earp pistol whipped the guy who shot the Marshall, and the guy is trying to incite his buddies to charge Earp: "You die first, get it? Your friends might get me in a rush, but not before I make your head into a canoe, you understand me"

I watched Wyatt Earp (with Kevin Costner) sometime last week. Basically, in the epic battle of badassness, there is no contest between Costner and Russel. Russel will win every time. Here's the face to prove it. Note to self: Do not shoot Kurt Russel or any of his family. Or he'll come after you with a double barreled shotgun, and be generally angry-like.

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