Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Finally got it on DVD, so I figured I'd watch it again, and give you my impressions.

First off, on the opening outdoor scenes, it looks really strange. Seems like they actually shot it all with a green screen, and it shows. The foreground looks distinctly different from the background.

And the Thompsons that the Russian soldiers are using seem to be M1928s and not the M1A1s. I thought the M1A1s were the military issued ones. Doing a bit of research, it seems that the M1928s were issued to the military in the early stages, but were replaced by the M1A1. This taking place in 1957, it would seem that M1A1s would be more likely. Although I guess since they were Russians after all, it could make sense that they had some older stuff, rather than the current issue military stuff.

And its good that Indiana Jones made the rank of Colonel. Still below the ranks held by Han Solo and Jack O'Neill. But he's beating MacGyver, who, as far as I know has no rank. Other than awesome mullet. Which is not so much a rank, but just awesome.

New life aspiration: How does one become a Foley Artist? I'm pretty sure that making random-ass sound effects would be a pretty sweet career.

Speaking of Foley Artists, Jones just was just lecturing about how its a dry sand pit, not quicksand. And yet the noises seem very wet and quicksand-like...

I think I mentioned it last time, but I still thoroughloy enjoy the fact that Mutt is annoyed because he didn't get to drive the car after Marion got to drive the truck, too.

And the sword fight from the moving cars is just ridiculous enough to be well placed in an Indiana Jones movie. And what could be better than Shia LeBeouauauoauaf almost doing the splits, whil getting whacked in the business by random ass plants.

Frankly, I hope that this is the last Indiana Jones movie. While I love the franchise, Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones is the reason I watch, and it seems that if they're going to do another, they're grooming Mutt as Indy's heir apparent. Frankly, I don't want to watch any Mutt Jones and the Blah-di-blah movies. For me, its Harrison Ford or bust. This movie is fun, but still not as good as Raiders or Last Crusade. Still better than Temple of Doom though. I don't like Temple of Doom. I don't really know what it is about the movie that I don't like. Perhaps the other 2 have more of a Judeo-Christian mythology behind them, which I am more familiar with than the Indian cult idea. Or perhaps its just because the Nazis are always good adversaries, while half nekkid bald dudes and creepy little kids aren't all that great. Dirty Russkies are good adversaries, too, I guess...

At least Captain Russian Lady didn't randomly throw her henchmen off the ropes for no apparent reason, like Mola Ram did in Temple.

And I'm impressed that Captain Babbling mentioned that the face in the rock had tears coming off it. Looked more like the waterfall was coming out its nose to me... But I guess having some sort of riddle about snot is less desirable than one about tears. But far more hilarious.

And apologies if I'm treading the same ground as my previous revie, but I honestly don't remember what I said in that one.

Oh, and by the way, this is bullshit:

Same price, less cookies. Thank goodness no one has asked me to buy a box. But now I have good reason to complain to anyone who askes, and get all crotchety. I'm sort of excited.

And I appreicate tha they used the standard bi-convex disc shape for the alien ship at the end. Nice call-back to 1950s Sci-Fi that this iteration of the Indiana Jones franchise was based off of.

And as one final comment: Shia, get a damn haircut.


Su said...

I umm... I have nothing to say that you didn't already say oddly enough.

Dan said...

Hmmm... This post should have been titled the name of the movie, and not just "In"... whatever. see if I care.

Su said...

I was really confused as to it's name and almost didn't read it since it was long and entitled "In"