Monday, January 26, 2009


Jason Statham, Ryan Phillippe (2005) Two detectives track a bank robber.

Sort of like Inside Man, in that there's a black guy with a hat, and a guy with a British-ish accent. Only with less of Clive Owen's fancy accent, and not quite as fancy a hat. Jason Statham's accent <> Wesley Snipes' fancy hat.

Bit less about the bank robbery, and more about the aftermath than Inside Man. Makes sense because Wesley Snipes' character is meant to be a mystery until his true role in the story is revealed. Overall, I liked Inside Man better.

Although, in the final scene, Statham reveals that he, too, has a fancy hat... hmmm...


Su said...

I rather like Statham. or... however you spell it.

Dan said...

But Clive Owen is better. Less ass-kickery, but a better accent.

Su said...

Umm... it's the ass-kickery that I enjoy combined with the accent. And frequently, funny hat.