Saturday, January 17, 2009

Iron Man

I want Tony Stark's house. And his collection of cars wouldn't hurt.

And Leslie Bibb as Christine Everhart the reporter rocks the shirt and no pants look quite well. She's got nice legs.

The V-Tail of Stark's airplane is kinda cool. Sorta a combination of a Predator and an airline. Or maybe its actually a Reaper and not a Predator. And it apparently has a stripper pole in it. Which I guess is never really a bad thing.

And the ABU camouflage pattern looks really dumb. Almost as dumb as ACU, but not quite.

And I missed Stark referring to the convoy hummers as "fun-v" and "humdrum-v" the first time I saw the movie. As you might be able to tell, I just got the DVD, and am giving you my thoughts as I watch it for the second time (the first being in a movie theater). We'll see how far I get before I fall asleep. Since I've already seen it, and I'm really tired, I'm going to be noting my observations as they come in the movie, so they might not make much sense, but when has that stopped me from anything ever.

And where did Doctor Whatchamahoosit get that fancy hat in captivity?

The initial steps of the power device Stark builds for his chest hole is very similar to the Stargate that Orlin builds in SG1's "Ascension".

I like how the blows of the hammer mesh well with the music. Movies got some good music.

Flame throwers look cool when they're firing. Fire in general does. Probably my favorite scene of The Matrix is the scene when the elevator explodes, and the slow motion flames and explosions extend through the lobby.

The F22 looks so ungainly on the ground. Most other fighters look graceful due to their decently long landing gear. The F22 looks to be sitting on its tires with very short landing gear. Looks very strange. It does look fantastic in the air, though.

While the red and yellow armor design is pretty awesome, the silver prototype armor looks pretty badass.

Problem, they just said that the SR71 was the highest airplane at 80 some thousand feet. But I'm pretty sure that the X-15 rocketplane went well over 100,000 feet (so high that technically they were in very low earth orbit, and the pilots could technically be classified as astronauts). But I guess that was more of a rocket that just happened to have some ancillary wings attached, and they did say fixed wing flight.

And I'm supremely bitter that they decided to have Stark crashland on the Shelby Cobra after his first flight. That is pretty much my dream car, so to see it smashed beyond recognition makes me very sad.

And I'm really happy about Stark's sarcastic home computer. I wish I had one (especially if it could help me design Iron Man Armor).

Jeff Bridges looks very strange with no hair and a gigantic beard. And he has a very distince way of speaking.

And it does appear that Iron Man's first act of aggression was to dick punch some guy.

Gwyneth Paltrow's eyes are interesting. At least in this scene, it looks like the outsides are rather dark, and the insides are very very light.

I thought Iron Monger's jump boots were pretty cool. Short bursts of propulsion, rather than sustained propulsion that the Iron Man Mk2 has.

And I really like the use of Black Sabbath's Iron Man as the music for the credits. Granted the song is nothing about the character, but its still fits nicely. Good song.

1 comment:

Su said...

They had to use that song, or people around the world would have revolted. And I would have lead the charge.