Sunday, January 25, 2009

Catch Me If You Can

Thought it was interesting how they had a text epilogue, saying where Frank Abagnale is now and what he's doing. They mention that he's getting paid millions as a security consultant, but didn't mention that he's repaid everyone he cheater earlier in his career. Seems like that's an important bit of information about the character. Makes him a more sympathetic character. Interesting how they left that part out...

1 comment:

Su said...

So, I watched that movie on some bus trip or another and I kind of remember hating it and not wanting to pay attention. Maybe I should give it a second chance. And... please don't get me started on the negative extremist aspects of all publications in the world. The world is apparently going to hell in a handbasket and we're all going to die and nothing good happens any day in our lives according to the media, and this largely includes much of popular cinema... (see, you got me started)...