Sunday, January 11, 2009

Dream Theater: Chaos in Motion

Dream Theater's latest DVD. Frankly I'm a little disappointed. I bought the DVD for 2 reasons. First, to continue my collection of their stuff, as they're a fantastic band, and second, because I like live shows of bands that I like. Especially if I don't have to deal with people while I'm watching the show.

I really enjoyed the Iron Maiden show I went to with Petey a while back, but, frankly, I think I would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't been in the front, in the pit or whatever. Just got a bit too crowded and claustrophobic for me. Well, not really claustrophobic, as it wasn't really an enclosed space, but instead a place with too damn many people. Is there a word for that? I'll let my intrepid readers figure that one out. Oh, and some of the people that were at the concert were downright scary. One (very sweaty) guy had white contacts and no shirt, and seemingly made it a point to try to run into everyone, and while he was doing that, wipe his sweatiness all over everyone. Not too enjoyable. And then there were the three guys who were trying to mosh. Sadly, you do not mosh at an Iron Maiden show. They were pulled by security in short order. That was nice of them.

Anways, now that I've got my mandatory side-track out of the way, I can get back to the DVD review. I was hoping for just a straight concert. However, they decided that they'd have random interview segments between the songs, thus destroying the continuity of the concert. That and they took the songs from a bunch of different shows throughout the tour, rather htan just filiming one show. Frankly, I think they should leave the interviews for the Bonus disc, and the documentary portion.

The music's good though. And I got the version that has the CD version of the concert as well, so that'll be going onto my iPod. Looks like I'll be watching the other Dream Theater DVDs when I get the hankering to watch DT on the TV.


Su said...

So umm... I would not appreciate them interrupting the concert with the interviews either. Using multiple shows so you get the best of each song... I'm okay with. Buying a DVD of one of your favorite bands... looooooser.

Dan said...

Its much cheaper than a concert, much more repeatable, and has less creepy, half-naked sweaty guys.

Su said...

But the best part of the concert is the creepy half naked sweaty guys that rub on you.