Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Gregory Peck, Ed Flanders (1977) Gen. Douglas MacArthur returns to the Philippines, manages postwar Japan, and defies President Truman.

I am continuously impressed by how good the F4U Corsair looks. Tis a nice looking plane. Interesting, too, due to the inverse gull-wing thing that its got going on.

Ooh. The USS Missouri. I was there! I sure am awesome, aren't I?

In other news, for some reason, I'm tempted to build another Hi-Capa. The Limcat slide with compensator looks really interesting to me, and I sort of want to build one. Sadly I already have 4 Hi-Capas, and I don't particularly need another.

And I really have to pee. And now I don't. Weird how that works out.

And now I'm in a dilemma. Or however you spell that. Seems MacArthur rather enjoys landing his forces behind the enemy, and surprising them from the rear. I'm torn whether to bring this up, due to the overwhelming number of innuendos that this enables. Knowing Su, she will likely take advantages of all of these opportunities. Perhaps if I identify the potential innuendos in advance, she might not feel the need. We shall see.

And it just looked like there was a shot of an F4 Phantom dropping a bomb. The only problem is that we're currently in Korea, not Vietnam. I was under the impression that the Phantom was a Vietnam War sort of airplane, not Korea. I thought the F86 Sabre was the mainline jet in the Air Force in Korea. Which looks completely different from the Phantom.

And in doing some research on the F86, I came across this article: Wagga Wagga RAAF Museum. That is potentially the best name I've come across in a very long time. Apparently its in Australia. I think I want to move there.

Oh, and MacArthur's battle pipe is pretty awesome. Looks like a T, rather than the standard L. I don't really know what purpose the extra dealie serves, but its pretty sweet.

Basically, if you were curious about General Douglas MacArthur's life and times, then this movie's probably a good one for you. If you dn't particularly care, perhaps you should give this one a pass. I enjoyed it, due to the fact that it taught me some history, and I didn't even have to pay attention all that much.


Su said...

So, after long debate, which is still occuring, I cannot decide whether I want to be atypical and not rise to your bait and make a backdoor inuendo... or if I want to make it just because you provoked me into commenting that MacArthur liked to put it 'in their back end-o'. This was the decision I came to:

Hey look! Boobies!

Dan said...

That, ma'am is a fantastic choice. I commend you.

Su said...

You're welcome. I thought of you when I wrote it.