Thursday, January 29, 2009

Fist Fire

Learning to draw, shoot and reload, thanks to the DVD provided by Rob. Again, this is TFB? Rob, not W&M Rob. But alas, I've been stupidly busy, so this DVD's gone into its 3rd night of viewing.

Perhaps sometime soon you may see a review of Fist Fire techniques on Rob's online magazine. Which I am now going to pimp right here:

It just started relatively recently, but it should have a bunch of good information on it (and already has some). And you can see multitudinous pictures of me in the TAA review article. Sadly, I didn't make my goal of being in half of the pictures. I think I was one or two under. But I probably was the most common person in any of them. So I guess there's that...

1 comment:

Su said...

You are such a pimp. Sadly, I was in ALL the TAA pictures, so you were not the most common person. You just can't see me all the time.