Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Veronica Guerin

Cate Blanchett, Gerard McSorley (2003) An Irish journalist endangers her life by investigating Dublin mobsters and their ties to the drug trade.

Honestly the only reason that I recorded this is because Savatage's album "The Wake of Magellan" is somehow related to this story. It's apparently somehow tells the story of Veronica Guerin, and some other boat-related story. I can understand the whole other story being related to the story of "Wake of Magellan", but can't really see how this story is related.

Anyways, t'was an interesting movie, and actually seemed to do a good job of telling Guerin's story.

And as an added bonus, since this movie takes place in Ireland, everyone has an awesome accent. So, if you weren't interested by the story, you might be interested by that...

And no, I'm not going to tell you Guerin's story. I'll let you figure that out on your own. That, and the fact that the description that the DVR gives the movie is accurate, and pretty much tells you the whole story, except for the ending.

1 comment:

Su said...

I'm too lazy to look it up, as you know.