Sunday, March 8, 2009

Pale Rider

Clint Eastwood in a role where his character doesn't actually have a name. Just known as the Preacher due to the collar he wears at the beginning of the movie...

There's the whole beginning bit where not a lot happens, except that Eastwood convinces some folk to stand up against "the man" of some variety.

And then he proceeded to blow up some stuff with dynamite. And got saved by Jaws from James Bond.

And then ate some food. A bunch of people tried to sneak up on him and shoot him while he ate, but ended up putting a whole bunch of random holes into the saloon. At which point Eastwood asked them if they were finished, and then shot them all as they reloaded. Or at least those that didn't run away in a very goofy fashion.

I think I may have to elevate Clint Eastwood's standings on my Heterosexual Man Crush list. He's still below Richard Dean Anderson and Harrison Ford, but he's probably number 3 on the list right now... or at least he's the one I can remember right now, as I'm watching him in a movie. And he does have fancier hats than most Anderson of Ford characters, except for maybe Indy.

And now he just completely beat some guy in a quick-draw show down. By which I mean, he had his gun drawn and pointed, before the other guy even got the gun moving out of the holster. At which point the bad guy still attempted the draw after a brief bit of angry talking, and got six-gunned in the chest for his troubles. And then shot in the forehead. Moral of this story: Don't fuck with Eastwood.

And I just realized something. Earlier in the movie, there was snow all over the town. Now there's none in the final show-down... Hrm...

1 comment:

Su said...

Moral of my story: snow melts.