Monday, March 9, 2009

The Shaft

James Marshall, Naomi Watts (2001) A mechanic and a reporter investigate deaths related to an elevator in a New York building.

A bad sci-fi movie, where the monster of the week is an elevator. That's right. An elevator.

And the dude just tried to listen to his watch to see if it was running. Only its a digital watch... Pretty sure they don't make much noise...

And it seems there were a record number of lightning strikes "last night". So I guess it's electricity-caused elevator anger. Which is truly a common ailment these days.

There's only so much you can say about a movie where the monster is an evil elevator... turns out it was some sort of bio-engineered computer chip that turned into a brain or something, and decided to be evil. Let's face it, if you were a bio-engineered computer chip thing and all you had control of was a few elevators, you'd probably turn evil, too, and eat a few people, right?

So, yeah... apparently this movie exists. And now I've seen it, and never have to think about it again.

And now I have to pee. But no one better be doing anything nearby, because peeing apparently requires all sorts of concentration to successfully complete... Or maybe that's just for chicks...

1 comment:

Su said...

Did you ever watch the show that included the timid tinkler? I think it may have been Just Shoot Me, but I could be wrong.