Sunday, March 29, 2009

I Am Omega

Mark Dacascos, Geoff Mead (2007) Zombies threaten the existence of the lone human in a post-apocalyptic world

SciFi Saturday movie from 3/21.

So, I've seen I Am Legend, and The Omega Man, and read I Am Legend. So, I may have a pretty decent idea of the material and the source material... Lets see how this one stacks up.

Background: I really enjoyed the book and the Will Smith version (titled I Am Legend). Thought the Charlton Heston version (The Omega Man) was really cheesy, and didn't really hold a candle to the source material.

We'll see how this one is. Probably should mention that its an a production from The Asylum. Remember how I always complain about them? Because they're terrible?

Probably going to have to make some mention of the description of the movie. The fact that it says "Zombies". I believe they're supposed to be vampires. They were referred to as such in the book, but I can't remember if they actually talked about drinking blood. But there was a mention of the aversion to crosses, garlic, and running water, and the whole getting staked through the heart thing. I'll need to see the Will Smith version again to remember what the beasties were like in that one. Can't quite remember if they were vampires, or just sort of mutated critters.

The best part of this film should be the discussion of the main character's sanity, rather than the actual monsters themselves. Its a story of one man trapped by himself, as the last human on Earth, or at least as far as he knows. I have a feeling, knowing The Asylum's previous work, they'll likely focus more on the monsters...

They're already starting out with the main character as going pretty insane, but aren't really explaining it...

And the zombie/mutants/vampires apparently can come out in the daytime. Which is completely different from any of the other versions, including the original.

And just a question: If you were the last person alive, would you wear pants while lounging about the house? Because I'm pretty sure I wouldn't...

This movie is doing a rather terrible job of conducting "Operation: Backstory". I'm kind of curious to know what the backstory for this is, but they're not telling me a damn thing, other than he was in a car, and his mom got attacked in front of him. Or maybe that wasn't him, but his kid and wife... who the hell knows...

Oh, and his mannequin has a pretty awesome top hat. I want one like it... Mine isn't quite as tall.

In fact, I was completely wrong. The movie didn't focus on the monsters. Aside from a few scenes, they never actually showed up... The main adversary were some crazy people intent on keeping the world the way it was, and not finding a cure for the illness/mutation/whatever...

So, basically, this movie is similar to I Am Legend. In that it has a dude, a girl, some sort of infection, and the phrase "I am" in the title. And that's about it...

Honestly, it started off looking like it could go somewhere at least near decent, but kind of made a drastic change towards crappiness, and never recovered.

Highlight: The scenes where Renchard (that's apparently his name) is going nuts. They're slighlty sped up, so it just looks completely comical...

1 comment:

Su said...

So all in all not going to bother with it. Check.