Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Beast of Bray Road

Jeff Deonton, Tom Downey (2005) A new sheriff in a Wisconsin town investigates brutal slayings by a werewolf.

Sci Fi Sunday movie from 3/8.

"Presented by The Asylum". Oh Good! We know how quality their movies generally are...

I'm highly amused that they couldn't afford a video game to show, so they just had some kid playing with a joystick pretending to look at a TV and play a game...

Someone just mentioned the word "monster", and now someone seems to think that sounds like "the beast of bray road". You'd think he might wait for some sort of description until he jumped to that conclusion.

And apparently the Beast of Bray Road is actually a thing in real life. Or at least a legend or whatever...

I think I should become a cryptozoologist. If Bad SciFi movies are to be believed, they get into all sorts of wacky adventures. I really can't remember if they end up surviving those adventures though... Although this cryptozoologist seems to get to wear a fancy hat. It might be worth it... (Its a fedora by the way...)

And they just made a bunch of 5.56mm rounds. A rifle round. Unfortunately all they seem to have are shotguns, Mac-11s, and an MP5. All of those (except for the shotgun) use pistol rounds...

Never mind. It seems they have a bolt-action of some sort... so I guess they can use all the bullets they just made...

Hmmm... it seems that the sheriff's love interest is the werewolf. What a tweest! That'll teach him for having those atrocious side-burns.

FYI: Cryptozoologist seems to have survived. At least he says he got scratched, and not bit...

And that was almost the most badass killing of a werewolf ever. There's a certain style to shooting a werewolf with a Single Action Army. But unfortunately, it seems that his bullets didn't want to fire...

But instead, they set it on fire. Apparently some guy that was getting eaten poured something flammable on himself and the werewolf as he was getting et.

And now they have an AK. Why the hell didn't they use that earlier?

"This Film is Dedicated to the Great State of Wisconsin" What a rousing endorsement.

Oh, and Cryptozoologist survived! There is hope after all.

1 comment:

Su said...

So have you started looking up schools for the cryptozoology training?