Monday, March 9, 2009


Corri English, Scot Davis (2006) A first-year medical student investigates a mysterious cadaver that holds a restless spirit.

Pretty much the only thing I'm paying attention to is the musical score. I kind of like it. Its very heavy on the strings. Mainly cello. A bit repetitive, but at least it's got something going on, rather than some scores which are really boring, and nothing really happens with them...

I want to say that the cello-heavy score is pretty standard for horror movies.

And they're doing something with a cadaver tank, and they got some sort of reaching pole stuck in it. So they're sticking their arms into the tank to try to dislodge the pole. And for some reason, they decided that the best course of action for accomplishing this task was to take off their shirts... Probably should mention that the main character is female. And she's already had her shirt off twice, as far as I know... haven't really been paying attention, though...

And apparently, the only clothes you're allowed to wear in Med School are scrubs... or at least, that's the only thing that the med students have worn throughout the movie. Or at least when they're wearing clothes... Main Character's now in a towel, after having just taken a shower... And now so is Male Love Interest. But Main Character has had a chance to change... into? You guessed it! SCRUBS!

And now they're boning.

And now she's attempting to pee. But the shower has turned on, and she can't concentrate. Seems like the running water would make peeing easier, due to the lack of stage fright or whatever. I wasn't aware that peeing required such intense concentration. Thoughts? Comments?

And now someone appears to be brushing his radiator's teeth. Sadly, he's trying to file through the grate, and isn't assisting it with its dental hygiene. Sadly, I haven't a clue who he is, or why we should care about him. Oh! I think its the guy whose fiance was killified by the evil spirit...

And apparently the Aztecs had a god of prostitution... According to Wikipedia, Tlazolteotl is "a goddess of purification, steam bath, midwives, filth, and a patroness of adulterers". That's quite the list. I think, depending on the number of kids I have, I may have to name one of my kids after some Aztec gods. Because they have some truly fantastic names. Further proof that I'm gonna have some seriously messed up kids...

In other news, do they call first year med students "Dr"? Because Main Character is a first-year med student, and everyone keeps calling her Doctor.

And the head doctor guy is pretty awesome because he has a fantastic beard, and a British Accent of some variety.

And apparently, they have bolt cutters in the anatomy lab. I guess for when you're trying to dissect robots or terminators or something... And now they're back at the cadaver tank, and they've taken off their shirts again. Even though he only went in with his legs and stuff, and she didn't go in at all. Oh, OK, now he's fully submerged himself in whatever sort of liquid is in the tank with the bodies. I guess, "human bean juice" in the immortal words of one Walter Kovacs.

1 comment:

Su said...

A.) Yes, knowing someone else is there, even if there is shower water involved does require intense concentration to pee around that person being there.

B.) All horror movies include boning.

C.) Yes, all med school people wear is scrubs, and if she were a first year resident or intern (and not in class but working in a hospital) she is a Doctor.

D.) Shirts are overrated.

E.) You are never allowed to have kids... or at least have ANY say in their naming.

F.) Bolt cutters are used in autopsies to cut through the ribs and remove the sternum and ribs, exposing the viscera contained within the diaphragm.
