Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Island

A Michael Bay movie starring Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson.

First explosion was 1 hour and 21 minutes into the movie. That's a very impressively long time for a Michael Bay movie.

I like the visual aesthetic of the future city. Some modern cars, and some cars that are future-ified.

And now that they got around to having the first explosion, they've decided to turn this into a more standard Michael Bay movie. Explosions, shit breaking... all that sort of stuff.

Another thing: Why are there so many wrenches with chains attached to them? They do make great ass-whupping weapons, but don't really seem to serve much of a purpose aside from that...

Very Logan's Run-esque ending with all of the clones standing around outside the facility, being outside for the first time. Well, they weren't clones in Logan's Run, but you get the idea.

1 comment:

Su said...

Actually, I suppose I don't get the Logan's run idea seeing as how I've not seen it. But, what I have seen... If wrenches tied to my belt by chain and or power cord because I didn't want to drop it while I worked in the beams and it would hurt someone if it fell on their head.