Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Curse of King Tut's Tomb Continued

Neglected to mention that this movie was the Sci Fi Sunday movie a while back...

Also, now the evil dude has roasted Malcolm McDowell, so I'm not as interested in this movie anymore... But it still does have Casper Van Dien, and his rather prodigious chin. Who is currently fighting an invisible monster right now. In a fist fight... Looks completely ridiculous.

But my lack of interested by the movie is tempered by the fact that I have orange juice.

In other news, that new Johnny Depp movie about John Dillinger looks like it could be fun. Basically, Heat meets The Untouchables. With Captain Jack Sparrow and Batman. I can get behind that...

1 comment:

Su said...

Hmm, this sounded classically fantastic. But also, I don't really like Johnny Depp. At all. I tolerated him as Jack Sparrow, but orhterwise... he kinda annoys me... So I'm not looking forward to that as much as I might with another cast.