Sunday, August 2, 2009

Spring Break Shark Attack

Shannon Lucio, Riley Smith (2005) Sharks terrorize college students on vacation in Florida.

This was a SciFi Saturday movie a while back. Or maybe Sci Fi Sunday or something... But for whatever reason I didn't record it or watch it...

And Person Who's Likely To Become The Main Character And Likely Gonna Be The Only Female Survivor Because She Doesn't Seem Slutty. Well, anyway, her father just compared guys in Florida at Spring Break to sharks. Foreshadowing! And so subtle, too...

And now there're roofies involved... Sharks (still lacking those), half-nekkid women, and roofies. That's pretty much the Bad Sci Fi trifecta right there...

And now for other stuff... We'll get back to this...

1 comment:

Su said...

Wow. That was so bad I think I lost interest in reading the blog post about it.