Monday, August 17, 2009

The Hive

Tom Wopat (2007) A scientist and an entomologist must stop a horde of flesh-eating army ants that are rampaging through Brazil.

You remember how I always complain about movies that feature ants as the villains? And how ants make terrible monsters? Yup. This one's probably gonna suck something awful.

Why did I choose this as my first review since coming back from my trip? I'm an idiot...

Some guy just flame-throwed the air for no apparent reason. And it just served as a scene transition to a different scene where someone else was flamethrowing the air for no apparent reason.

Also, these guys apparently have ant-killing lasers. Which seems needlessly complicated.

Also "tele-met-ree" as opposed to "tuh-lem-uh-tree".

And ants can apparently make tentacles. Like in The Abyss. And then an ant crawled inside a guy's ear and bit something. Hopefully he turns into a ant-human hybrid.

Apparently the ant colony has become self aware. No news on the hybrid-dude yet.

And apparently if you get enough ants in a room together, they turn into a computer...

And then the ants joined together and formed a giant ant. And then got blowed-up by the ant-human hybrid thing. And then some sort of energy shaped like an ant flew away? Aliens? The authority figure is as incredulous as I am.

I quite literally have no idea what the hell just happened in this movie.

1 comment:

Su said...

You... not pay thorough attention to a movie? Never.