Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Previews

No extensive discussion of the movie right now. I really liked it, but need some time to digest it before I can review it. Until then, go see District 9. And stay through the credits. No extra scene or anything, but some really good music.

Anyways, on to the previews.

That movie with Megan Fox: Jennifer's Body or somesuch. Reminds me how much I don't care for Megan Fox. Sure, she's supposedly stupidly hot, but you put just about anyone in a miniskirt and a tiny shirt, and they'll be pretty hot. Except for me. That'd just be weird.

Surrogates: Some sort of SciFi thing where everyone uses robotic surrogates to live their life for them. Bruce Willis has one. His surrogate has awesome hair. And by awesome, I mean completely ridiculous. Then Bruce Willis wakes up, and goes after stuff with his actual body. Which has the bald and scruffy goatteed look that we've come to expect from Mr. Willis.

Law Abiding Citizen: You remember that movie with Jodie Foster or Helen Hunt (I can never tell the 2 apart)? The one where she gets robbed or mugged, and then goes on some sort of Vendetta. Well, instead of Jodie or Helen, we have Gerard Butler. Apparently someone killed his family, and the killer got off on some sort of deal. So, being the King Leonaidas type, he blows a lot of stuff up, and kills a bunch of people in seemingly increasingly ridiculous manners.

There was one other one that seemed like it could be interesting, but I can't remember what it was.

Full review of the movie at some later point. When its not midnight.