Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Christopher Marquette, Brooke Nevin (2009) An office worker leads the fight against a swarm of giant insects.

Syfy Saturday movie from 8/8.

So, gigantor bugs take over, and en-webify/cocoonacize everyone. For some strange reason, some people wake up.

And then a guy jumps out of a moving truck. And his leg explodes. The truck was going about 5 miles an hour. Tops.

Oh, and by the way, I despise the main character. He's very annoying.

Although he's growing on me. As he just tried to use one of Hannibal Lecter's lines as a pick-up line... Sadly not the "Hello Clarice!" one, immediately followed by that weird tongue clicking thing...

And apparently the bugs are using humans for fancy hats. That's really the only way this bug/human hybrid thing can be described....

Blurred Syfy boobs at 59 minutes in. FYI.

OK. Thus far, everyone that they've found cocooned can be revived relatively easily. But they haven't tried to revive everyone they've come across. Just sort of random folks. Seems to me that the ideal move in this circumstance would be to wake everyone up, so you have the biggest army possible to fight the gigantic bugs...

Apparently after folks get stung, they eventually turn into those bug/human hybrids. FYI. Dogs, too.

Luckily Main Character Guy's dad has a bomb shelter. Which was described as a normal thing, because he's "ex-military".

"Let me tell you a story: You're an idiot!"

Guy's got some sort of rifle, and yet he's got a shotgun-shell holder on the stock with shotgun shells in it. No sign of a shotgun. I guess he's just keeping the ammo in case he finds a shotgun. Seems like a good idea... But he had a shotgun in his armory... You, sir, make no sense. That's why you's dead now.

Also, they've got one of those AK-type things that have been dressed up to look like and M16.

And they've continued the video game convention that whenever you put on night-vision goggles, it makes a high pitched whine/beep noise.

And they forgot to but batteries in the detonator. And then the alien meteor thing exploded far too quickly to give them any sort of opportunity to escape. But somehow they did. It is a darn shame.

OK, I kind of like what they did with the ending. Everyone was all like "Whoah", and "Oh, crap!", but they didn't show what they were exclaiming about. And they did it in such an ambiguous fashion that it could have been either a good or a bad thing...

1 comment:

Su said...

Personally, I like the Lemme tell you a story line.