Monday, August 24, 2009


Marc Singer, Brian Thompson (2009) A young hero must awaken a dragon to battle a legendary creature summoned by a warlord.

Syfy Saturday moving from 8/1.

Another one of those "The Asylum" movies. So, basically, its gonna be crap. Sadly no Stephen Baldwin, though.

Seems like sort of a cross between 300 and The Lord Of The Rings. The battle scenes have a similar style to 300, but with a lot worse CG. And then there's a quest thing that the main character is going on, which seems very Lord of the Rings-like. Only he doesn't seem to have to destroy the artifact, but instead he has to awaken a dragon. Or so says the description.

And now this guy seems to be channeling his inner Yoda. With the annoying voice, the fragments of sentences, and the whacking of the main character with his cane.

And now there's a huge spider. Just thought you should know. I don't know why there's a big spider, just thought you should know. Not quite big enough to be Shelob, but you gotta know they're gonna try... And for the record, the big spider just walked by. Nothing else. Just walked by, for no apparent reason.

This movie is terrible. I have no idea what's going on. And I don't really care. But luckily this dude seems to have all but one of the gems he's collecting. That spells hope for this movie being over soon.

And the climax of this movie is a 10 minute scene of the main character and the main baddie shooting energy out of their hands at each other, accompanied by a really annoying noise. Meanwhile, the female main character is beating up random fools while wearing what is akin to a tube top and hot pants.

1 comment:

Su said...

I almost want to watch the climax on mute.