Friday, December 4, 2009

Stargate Universe

So, this show is called Stargate?


Pretty sure we haven't seen the gate in an episode or two. They congregated in the gateroom in tonight's episode. And that's it.

Well, spoke too soon. They actually found a planet. Lets see if they decide to actually go to said planet.

I guess Dr. Rush hopes wishes that they hadn't decided to use the gate in this episode... Although that storyline could be interesting. Should they decide to actually do something with it. It could also be terrible. But you never know with these guys. Sometimes you get episodes that are completely awesome like Lost City Part 1 and 2 for SG1, and you get other ones that are far too rushed, and have to be wrapped up with a ridiculous Deus Ex Machina (e.g., the "wormhole drive" in Atlantis' series finale Enemy At The Gate)

1 comment:

Su said...

You are an obsessive fan boy.