Saturday, December 12, 2009

Right At Your Door

2006 - What begins as just another day for everyman Brad quickly disintegrates into an ordeal of terror when a dirty bomb is unleashed on Los Angeles.

First off, it seems that they're talking about a bomb carrying toxic/chemical materials as a "dirty bomb". Sadly, "dirty bomb" implies radiation contamination. Radiological dispersal device or whatever... Also, the Wikipedia entry for "Dirty Bomb" refers to an RDD (Radiological dispersal device, as my previous sentence) in its second sentence without actually defining the acronym.

Special Emergency Medical Epidemiology Nexus. That has got to be one of the most awkward acronyms ever.

Actually, quite a good movie. Sort of a disaster move meets Rear Window sort of thing. Just about the entire movie takes place in and around one house.

Basically, one guy seals himself in his house to keep the toxic dust out, and then has to deal with the consequences of the attack, and interact with people, including his wife, without breaching his protective bubble.

Pretty intense last scenes. I'm not going to ruin it for you, as this one's actually worth watching.

1 comment:

Su said...

Wow, well isn't that impressive. You actually watched something all the way through worth watching?