Sunday, December 13, 2009

I have a new favorite WRC driver

I've mentioned previously that I enjoy the Norwegian Solberg brothers, because they're always so dang cheerful.

And now a quote from 2003 WRC Champion Petter Solberg, which cemented him as my favorite driver: "I know its been difficult many times, you know, through the years, I know maybe people have doubted, but, uh, 'Up Yours' the people have doubted". Not really sure how to punctuate that, as it was Solberg giving an interview immediately after finishing the stage, and before he'd even climbed out of his car. I imagine that he had quite a bit of adrenaline running through his system, and speaking such that his quote was accurately punctuationable by me was not his top priority.

Although, next year, Solberg will have to vie with Kimi Raikonnen for my affections. Don't remember if I said it yet, but Kimi is officially taking at least a year-long break from F1, and will be driving for the Citroen Junior Team next year for the 2010 season. Depending on how he does, he may be promoted to the top Citroen team for 2011, or he may return to F1 with the Red Bull team. I'm hoping for the latter, as an F1 team of Kimi and Vettel would be awesome...

1 comment:

Su said...

I'm hoping for the latter too, because it would make you so darn happy.