Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Jeremiah Once Again

Yup. Those are definitely the SGC sets that they're using. I'd been suspecting it for a while, but now I'm absolutely certain.

I guess they filmed the scenes in Valhalla Sector during the hiatuses in shooting SG1, as Jeremiah was filmed about halfway through SG1's run. Which is what made me initially think that they wouldn't be filmed on the same set.

But, I guess SG1 and SGA were able to film 2 series using the same sets concurrently. But, then again, those were being done by the same folks, while SG1 and Jeremiah were completely different people running the 2 shows.

Also, 10 episodes left. So, that potentially limits the number of posts that will be named "Jeremiah". Although, these last 2 posts were both spawned by different occurrences in the same episode.

1 comment:

Su said...

You are amazing.