Syfy Sunday movie from 11/29.
The final thing I have on my DVR that was recorded prior to the Syfy Miniseries re-telling of the Alice In Wonderland story.
And just because I can:

I feel like I've seen this one already. But I can't find it in my blog archives. Well, either way, here goes.
And I'm going to type a few more paragraphs so that I don't have David Hasselhoff emanating from his own crotch staring at me as I type. And I think it was my "brother" who said it best when he noted how remarkably similar David Hasselhoff looks compared to male genitalia when he is superimposed on his own crotch.
And one more paragraph ought to do it...
Aw crud. He's still there at the top of the screen... But, luckily when I end this paragraph, he'll be completely gone from my sight...
And this is an old one... It says "Sci Fi Presents". That, and the whole 2008 date of the movie...
Oh, good. Its got John Rhys-Davies in it, too... Man, he's really lowered his standards. Its almost gotten to the point where you can't have a Bad SciFi Movie (tm) without him.
Upon some further review, it seems that I've actually seen the sequel to this one. Feel free to look it up. I reviewed it earlier... And on continued watching, I'm really getting the feeling that I have in fact seen this one. Either that, or this one, and its sequel are exactly the same movie.
But, either way, I've had enough for tonight. I'm gonna go read and then go to bed... I'll pick this up tomorrow... (Stupid me for telling myself that I'd watch everything on the DVR before I watch Alice. I"m curious to see what they've done with the Alice In Wonderland story...
I wanna hear about alice. Also, that was cruel, and your 'brother' is right. He does look remarkably like genitalia. Also, do you and your brother get separate Christmas presents from your parents?
i went into an epileptic seizure because of that...
the Hoff-ster is just that powerful
I thorouhly enjoyed the Hoff-ster's picture. Over, and over, and over again.
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