Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Luke Perry's ass. Did not need to see that.

A character just used the term "fuckocity".

A post-apocalyptic TV series. The apocalypse in this case was the death of all adults, leaving only the children. Story picks up a number of years after that happened. Not sure of the exact number, but over 15.

Luke Perry stars as Jeremiah, a survivor, who is in search of Valhalla sector, a place where his father left shortly before the "Big Death". Watching the premiere right now. And they seem to be implying that his father had something to do with the "Big Death".

I've actually wanted to see this series for a while. Originally aired in 2002 to 2004. The first couple of episodes showed up on SciFi a while back, but they never aired any more of them... So, I watched about half of the first episode, and then never got around to watching the rest. But the first and second (actually, the only 2) seasons have been hanging around on the NetFlix Instant Queue for a while, so I decided I should actually watch them.

Also, Tricia Helfer's character pronounces the word "nuclear" with an extra "u" sound. As in "nukular". Which annoys me greatly.

Also Kandyse McClure AKA Dualla from Galactica is also in this show. We'll see how many random other Battlestar Galactica/Stargate alumni show up. We've also had Col Samuels from SG1 show up as Jeremiah's dad. And Alex Zahara. And Dr. Frasier/Teryl Rothery show up as Jeremiah's mom. And this is just the first episode.

So, I'll definitely be watching further.

Unlike Dead Like Me. I watched 2 episodes of that yesterday, and don't think I'll be picking it up again. Its sorta interesting, but not really worth it in my opinion. Perhaps if I run out of everything on the DVR and Netflix, I'll give it a go. But not while there are more worthy options out there.

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