Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Supergator some more

So, scantily clad woman is still alive. I should probably be keeping track of all the people who die in between her getting introduced, and her potentially inevitable death. I guess her continued survival indicates that the people who made this movie know their target audience quite well.

So now some dude has come across scantily clad woman and suggested they make a run for it. But since she was going to stay, he ended up staying as well. And they then encountered the supergator. Their fate is still up in the air. I'm kind of hoping she survives. Because the scantily clad women never do in these kind of movies...

Some dude just shot the supergator thing, and it screamed and ran away. The dude later said something to the effect of "the bullet didn't faze that thing at all". I'm pretty sure screaming and running away is a pretty decent sign of being fazed.

And some peron just started screaming well before she got bit.

I'm getting tired of crocodile movies. Looks like next week is more shark themed.

Oh, and PS, this movie takes place in Hawaii. Where its warm.

New scantily clad woman. Already dead. Nowhere near as survivable as the first one.

And this guy has a magical shotgun. One moment its a short barreled one with a top folding stock, while in the next scene its got a longer barrel and no stock. Strangely enough in the scenes where he's shooting (and thus you think he'd actually want the stock) he has the one without the stock. Basically any scene where he's not shooting, he's got the top-folder. Probably because the top folder is one of these, and doesn't actually eject shells. You don't see many shotguns with removable magazines these days.

And somehow they blew up the gator. Something involving propane and a fake volcano. I really don't even understand or care at this point.

And because the main characters were supposedly vulcanologists, they decided to end the movie with some shots of eruptions and lava and stuff. Never mind the fact that there was none of that in the movie...


Su said...

Did scantily clad woman A survive? I missed that memo. I'm on the edge of my seat. Also, no gators or croccidiles in Hawaii... just wanting to point that out. Yes, there is warmth and beauty and year round sunshine and sea turtles... but no gators and crocs

Dan said...

Scantily Clad Woman A's fate was never shown on the screen. So I'd like to think that she survived.

Su said...

I believe she survived and went on to be scantily clad some more.