Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Awesome Winter Sports

Reading Su's comment about biathalon reminded me about some ideas that were bandied about the apartment when we first figured out that we had what has become known as the "bobsled channel".

These ideas concerned combinations of winter sports, like:

Biathalon/Ski Jump
Luge or Bobsled figure skating
Bobsled Ski Jumping

I'm thinking of starting my own set of winter games. Working title is "Awesome Olympics". Basically teams show up with basic winter sports skills, but no idea of the specifics of the event. Once everyone's there, the events are revealed, and the teams are forced to do their best.


Su said...

May I recommend drawing the combinations out of a hat, or rolling dice or something?

Dan said...

That would be very much in the spirit of the "Awesome Olympics"

Su said...

I'm glad I can contribute. I'm listening to the Arrogant Worms. And it's the song about mario Lemieux. I'm not sure you realize how happy this song makes me.