Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Day The Earth Stood Still

OK. So its apparently a re-make. From the trailer, pretty much all I can tell is that there's an alien and Gort still exists.

But beyond that it looks completely different.

The guy who played Klaatu in the original worked as an alien, because he was really tall and really skinny, and his face made him look slightly alien. Keanu Reeves as the new Klaatu doesn't have that same alien look.

I'm intrigued, mainly because I'm curious how they manage to fit everything that happens in the trailer into the context of the original film.


Su said...

Supposedly they are not going off the original film, but are attempting to keep to the original book (which I wholeheartedly approve of).

Dan said...

It was a book? I must read it.

Su said...

It most certainly was a book. Go forth and read.