Friday, December 5, 2008


Sci-Fi Saturday movie from a week or 2 ago.

Based on the Stephen King book of the same name. Pretty much the same as the book, from what I can remember. No real differences I could remember from when I read it (which was quite some time ago).

I'd never imagined Ron Perlman playing Collie Entragian or however you spell that. The sheriff guy. He's supposed to be massive, but even though they shoot it so it looks like he is rather large, I just never really got the impression that he was as massive as the book made him out to be. Maybe because I knew that he was Ron Perlman, and I've never really thought of him as a very large man. Although he is 6'1". So, not too terrifically big, but decently tall, I guess.


Su said...

You're just jaded because you're 6'4" and your alter ego is 6'6". So you have to keep in mind that to the rest of the world over 6' is appreciable.

Dan said...

Appreciable, but not as massive as the character was meant to be

Su said...

I say he's fine just the way he is. Stop judging him.

Dan said...

I'll judge whomever I durn well please whenever I durn well please on my own durn blog

Su said...

Oh... so you think you're an important enough person to judge ehh?