Monday, October 20, 2008

Lake Dead

Putting a new spin on bad sci-fi. Rather than having a character that seems to be allergic to wearing a shirt, one of the characters seems to take every opportunity to take off her pants... What a twist!

Other notable plot points involve a motel, a lake, some cannibals, and a creepy old lady, made all the more creepy by the fact that she's making out with her son...

Basically your standard horror movie about a bunch of young people wearing few clothes who get into some sort of horror-tastic hijinks... inheriting a motel in this case... which seems to be inhabited by a bunch of cannibals and stuff... and the personification of incest... lots of implied incest... and some threatened incest...

I can't wait for October to be over, so they'll get back to showing Sci-Fi movies, rather than just horror movies... Stupid 31 days of halloween...

No pictures, as I really don't want to remember ever watching this movie...

1 comment:

Su said...

I don't want to remember reading this post.