Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myer

Next up, Halloween 6: The some other R word of Michael Myer. Maybe not.

Seems to be following the standard horror movie plot. Scantily clad teenage girls get killed by a psychotic killer who has some sort of trademark. And then I stop caring, and pretty much browse the internet, while it plays in the background.

So, that's pretty much what's happening...

Although I kind of like the score for the movie, as the main theme is just a rather simple piano melody. Rather repetitive, but it sort of captures the frantic nature that the director is trying to evoke.

And that's enough big fancy words for me right now. I guess I'll mention that I have to pee as a way of bringing karmic balance to the world.

But Loomis' chrome-ass 1911 makes me happy. Its got ivory grips and all...

Lesson #1: If you are a cocky asshole, and take too much pride in your car, Michael Myer will scratch your car with some sort of garden implement, and then proceed to rake you in the face.

And that random kid is fucking creepy...

And I'm now taking a break from that movie. Because I frankly don't care.

1 comment:

Su said...

Frankly, neither did your readership.