Friday, July 31, 2009

No Way Out

Kevin Costner, Gene Hackman (1987) The secretary of Defense forces a Pentagon naval aide to lead a manhunt for a Soviet spy during a murder cover-up.

Finally a movie that portrays the Pentagon in a realistic fashion. Or at least the parts that they show are very similar to the parts that I've seen. Quite possibly actually filmed in the Pentagon. Back before 2001, I imagine that DOD was more likely to grant access to that five-sided monstrosity. Seriously. I hate that freaking building.

And Kevin Costner's jaw is as long and pointy as Kurt Russell's is large and awesome...

And I must say that I'm not too fond of the Navy white uniform. Just looks ridiculous. Especially the shoes...

And Costner just slid down the center of a set of Metro escalators. You know that part that has all those circular bumps and stuff? That must have been quite painful. But he's Kevin Costner, so who really cares... And now he just drank some random other person's coffee.

And SecDef Hackman seems to have quite the impressive Beer Stein collection in his office... Pretty sure that's what you want to see in the office of the head of DOD.

And apparently some fat guy thinks that Kevin Costner is average in every way. But he's so dreamy... or something... actually, he sort of bothers me...

And you'd think that the Pentagon would have some sort of security to prevent random people from hiding in the ventilation ducts...

And also: You can apparently shoot people in the Pentagon without anyone noticing. Tip for life, I guess... Not that I'm advocating shooting anyone in any secure government facilities. Or really anyone, anywhere for that matter.

Another tip for life: If you cut Kevin Costner's arm with a straight razor, he'll kick you square in the jibblies. Keep that in mind...

Also, in the 80s, shooting yourself in the head did not create that big of a mess.

OK, this movie is completely illogical. The SecDef and his assistant randomly tried to set up Costner up as a Russian Spy, just to take the heat off of SecDef Hackman for actually killing the woman that I've not actually mentioned in this review yet... And then it turned out that he actually was a Russian spy.

The moral of this story comes in 2 parts: First, don't watch this movie. Second, Kevin Costner is a Russian spy.

1 comment:

Su said...

Mostly I'm just amused by your advocation disclaimers.