Friday, July 31, 2009

Dark Blue

Kurt Russell, Brendan Gleeson (2002) A rookie policeman objects when his hard-edged partner conspires with his mentor to pin murders on two ex-convicts. Based on a story by James Ellroy.

Assistant Chief Ving Rhames tries to oust corrupt cop Kurt Russel during the 1992 LA Riots.

Corrupt cop Kurt Russel gets a new partner (Captain WavyHair), who's not into his corrupt ways. Then Captain WavyHair gets hisself gatted, which incites Kurt Russel to go on the un-corrupt path.

Also, Ving Rhames looks funny with glasses. And Brendan Gleeson has some gigantically enormous ears. And I mean huge!

That's some poor planning there, Kurt Russel. Probably want to keep the shotgun loaded if you're going to shoot some bad guys. That way you don't have to use your spare shells from the side-saddle to load it. So, now you've only got 2 shells once you shoot everything you've got loaded, rather than 5... Well played...

Although you are rocking the S&W M10, Mr. Russell. Hard to complain when you're rocking the modern-ish equivalent of the Indiana Jones pistol.

Quite a good scene at the end where Kurt Russell admits everything that he's done and implicates his even corrupter boss.

All in all, not a bad movie... And I do likes me some Kurt Russell. And his gigantic lower jaw.

1 comment:

Su said...

I do like me some Keri Russell.