Sunday, February 1, 2009


Nick Chinlund (2009) A monstrous draagon terrorizes residents of a small town.

Sci-Fi Saturday movie from 1/31.

I just noticed Don S. Davis' name in the opening credits. I think this might actually be his final film before he died. You might remember him from such roles as General George Hammond from SG1, and the alien creature impersonating General George Hammond in that one Stargate Atlantis episode. Home maybe. I can't really remember... Sadly, he seems to have been demoted to Colonel in this one. And if you ever wanted to see Don S. Davis wandering about in boxers and a bathrobe, this is definitely the movie for you.

And he seems to actually have a pretty good sized role in this one. Unlike some of his other stuff he's been in lately. Davis does do a nice job portraying the crotchety old crazy guy character...

Oh, good. Now there's the crazy lady who's claiming its the End of Days.

And Barry Corbin apparently is that crotchety old guy that you can see in a bunch of movies. I really like him, as I'm fond of crazy crotchety old guy characters. They're always good for a laugh. And his name is Haas. Which is really only humorous for me and my family, but that's neither here nor there.

I've decided that this movie is the best Sci-Fi Original Movie that I've seen in a while. Solely due to the fact that there are 2 crazy crotchety old guy characters in this movie. And they've both survived for a good portion of the movie. Good for them. Hopefully it stays that way.

And General Hammond just accentuated his awesomeness with a gigantic pair of aviators. Dude's got some style.

Hypothetical Question: If your arm got torn off, could you survive for an extended period of time without tying a tourniquet? Because this guy got his arm ripped off early in the movie, and is only now waking up to tie a tourniquet around it. Seems like that's just too many arteries and veins and stuff to clot properly before you eventually run out of blood...

Movies that are coming out soon that I want to see, solely because I like the lead actor: Taken with Liam Neeson, and The International with Clive Owen.

Oh no! Haas just got stab-ified by the creature's tail. Durn creature. Couldn't you have killed someone who wasn't a crotchety old guy instead?

And the SciFi (tm) Deus Ex Machina of the movie is Main Character Dude's replacement truck. There was a bit of backstory and stuff, but I didn't feel like mentioning it in the review. And also, it seems that I've neglected to even mention Main Character Dude. Ah, well, whatever. He's not as cool as The Colonel and Haas.

And now the Wyvern is dead, because it got skooshed under a truck when it jumped into the quarry that we've never even heard of before. Good thing they had one of those laying around. Or is it lying? I can never remember the difference between the 2...

And The Colonel's M16 has a hi-cap winding wheel on the bottom of the mag. Pretty sure its a Classic Army. I'd been suspecting it from the first time it showed up on screen.

And a nice "In Memory Of" tribute to Don S. Davis at the end. Also a nice tribute how he managed to survive the whole movie. Not really something he's known to do in these Sci-Fi Original Pictures.


Su said...

I'm so proud of him for surviving. I almost want to see this movie, particularly since Wyvern is a fire dragon name... and I love me so dragons.

Dan said...

If you're gonna watch a Sci-Fi Original movie, this is probably a good bet to be the best one around

Su said...

I had that feeling... if I were going to watch a Sci Fi movie.