Sunday, February 22, 2009


Lucy Lawless, John Heard (2005) An entomologist works with a task force to eradicate bioengineered locusts threatening the United States.

Sci-Fi original movie that aired on Sunday 2/8. This one aired just after the other Locusts movie that I reviewed earlier. I think that Sci-Fi is airing original movies that premier on Sundays at 9 as well as the standard Sci-Fi Saturday movie which airs at 9... Earlier, I was recording some sort of show at that time, so I couldn't record it...

Also, Lucy Lawless is the Deputy Undersecretary of Agriculture or something like that. And spends the bulk of her first scene in her underwear. Sadly she doesn't have her Australian/New Zealand/whatever accent in this one, like she does as D'Anna Biers in Battlestar Galactica. I guess since she's playing an American character, she can't get away with it, and have it make sense...

Apparently the bioengineered locusts are resistant to DDT and all known pesticides. I'm still unsure as to why they'd want to this. Perhaps they'll explain shortly.

Flamethrowers are apparently the best way to kill bioengineered pesticide-resistant locusts, even in a laboratory setting.

And Lucy Lawless just took a pregnancy test. It said "pregnant" in English on it. She then proceeds to look at the box to interpret the test results. Something tells me that they hadn't shot the insert where they shoot the close-up of the pregnancy test when they were shooting the main part of the scene. In fact, I'm pretty sure they didn't know what kind of pregnancy test that they'd use. Either that, or Lucy Lawless is actually illiterate. All of these are probably equally likely.

And even in the middle of a crisis involving multiple swarms of locusts eating damn near everything in sight, Lucy Lawless still has the chance to change shirts multiple times.

Is somewhere like Pizza Hut a restaurant? Because their commercials are bragging about "restaurant quality" lasagna. I always ifgured that if a place serves food, its a restaurant. Especially if it has seats and tables and things. Basically in my eyes, their commercials basically say "Hey look! Our food is edible now!".

And apparently the US Department of Agriculture has a Division of Voracious Insects.

And there's apparently some genetic engineering going on in today's society. Have you seen these so called Jumbo Crispies? They're humongous. Or they're filming the commercials using midgets as actors.

And apparently the government's amazing plan to kill the swarms of locusts is VX. That's a freaking Chem weapon. Weapon of Mass Destruction! Mass Destruction! Are you freaking insane? Have you even heard of the Chemical Weapon's Convention? By Law, to US cannot use chemical and biological weapons, since, oh, say, the Nixon Administration. I'd have to reread it to see if it had any sort of discussion of the use of the intended use (as a pesticide as opposed to a chem weapon). But, as you know I'm really lazy.

And apparently, even though they apparently needed all available power to turn the nations's power grid into a gigantic bug zapper, the government command center still had power to have a bunch of screens and computers and stuff on. I guess there were a bunch of interns in the back of the office on bikes producing the power...

1 comment:

Su said...

Why do you think they employee interns?