Monday, February 9, 2009

Lawrence of Arabia (Part 1)

So, this movie's really famous. And 4 hours long or whatever. So I'll be watching and reviewing/commenting it in bits and pieces.

First profound comment: Camels is weird. And they make hilarious noises. I think I might want one as a pet. I need to find out if llamas make similar noises. And have similarly strange looking faces. Because they're pretty awesome, what with the spitting and all...

And apparently the proper way of descending sand dunes is to roll down them... Sorta makes sense, but you figure it'd get sand everywhere.

Also, this movie is really slow. It seems to focus quite heavily on the journeys, and shows a great deal of the surroundings and terrain, rather than just being focused on the characters and stuff.

And the Bedouin (or whatever indigenous people they are) water carrying thing seems very inefficient. It seems to have 2 spouts, so when you're drinking out of one, water is dribbling out the other. Seems like kind of a poor design for a desert environment, where I imagine you'd want to preserve as much of you water as possible.

And wind on the sand dunes looks really cool. Little wisps of sand an stuff being kicked up in interesting patterns.


Su said...

have you ever seen a llama... kissed a llama... on a llama... fuzzy llama funny llama llama llama duck.

Dan said...

I'd forgotten about that song. It has inspired me, so now I know what I'll have engraved on my gravestone should I ever get around to dying: "Well This Sucks". Or maybe "Llama Llama Duck"... We'll see.