Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Anonymous Rex

Seems to be a sort of Film-Noir type movie, only the main character is a dinosaur disguised as a human...

Apparently the Baldwin in this movie is actually a triceratops... Its not Alec, and its not Fat Baldwin. Seems to be Daniel. Haven't seen him in quite some time... good to know he still exists.

Apparently the premise of this movie is that the dinosaurs didn't actually die from the meteor or whatever, but instead stuck around and disguised themselves as humans. Apparently the dinosaurs pretended to be dragons in China and have been blending in in other ways...

I've been sort of looking forward to seeing this one, ever since I'd heard about it. Seems like it could be interesting, or at least completely absurd. It seems that its more of the absurd, and less of the interesting...

And apparently they use spices as humans use alcohol...

And I'm gonna get back to this one... I'm not in the mood to watch this, at this time of night...


Su said...

that was...bizarre sounding.

Tell me more?

Dan said...

We'll see how it ends.

Su said...

There you go.