Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Oh yeah.

Well, I also watched the latest episode of Eureka.

Which by the way is a fantastic show, which I honestly have no clue if I've written about, but I'll probably get to when I have the laptop...

Anyways, if you don't want to be spoiled for last night's episode (e.g. my brother, who might or might not be my alter ego in a fat suit), look away now.

Poor Stark. I really hope they find some way of bringing him back. Especially earlier this season, he had some great interactions with Carter. He probably was equally awesome in the earlier 2 seasons, but as I've watched the current season, I've just noticed more and more how awesome his character is.

Rather a shame...

But as the producers of Stargate SG1 and Atlantis are fond of saying: No one really dies in Sci-Fi.

Lets hope that the writers of Eureka follow the same logic.


no said...

you still do this? And haven't anything more interesting in the past year to write about than the latest episode of Eureka?

Su said...

No one likes negativity rob.

no said...

thats kind of mean, su.