Sunday, August 24, 2008


You know what makes a really terrible villain for a bad Sci-Fi movies?


That's right, ants. Picture that one MacGyver episode in South America, only this time, about 2 times as long, in Alaska, about 2 times less good, and about 52,000 times less mullet.

You just can't make ants scary... especially with the bad CG that they use on these movies... plus, you probably shouldn't reuse the same shot of ants walking over something, trying to give the impression of the relentless advance of the ants. Because it looks like they're just covering the same ground (which in fact they are), and are making no progress at all...

Anyways, this movie had Colonel Caldwell as the local sheriff, but he was significantly less crotchety, and thus significantly less cool.

At some point near the end of the movie, the characters have to rappel down a cliff, get some dynamite, and then climb back up. Things were looking good, as the guy seemed to actually set up his gear right, and rappel properly. But then the ascent kinda went wrong. Instead of climbing, they decided to use the winch of the Jeep to pull them up. So, the chick went first, and of course made it up safe. But when it was the dude's turn, the Jeep started to act up, and thus the winch wouldn't work. So, the dude was stuck at the bottom of the cliff, with ants relentlessly advancing. So instead of climbing, he decides that the best course of action would be to yell at the guys at the top like a little bitch, wondering why they aren't pulling him up. I almost hoped he got et.

And then there was the obligatory Bad Sci-Fi Ending Shot Where The Creature That You Thought Had Been Eradicated, And Thus Providing A Happy Ending, Is In Fact Still Alive shot, as the queen ant crawls out of the river.

So, all in all, I wasn't sure who to root for in this movie. The human characters were all crappy and whiny, and the ants were, well, ants, and therefore crappy.

1 comment:

Su said...

But ants in the new Indiana Jones movie, decidedly creepy...