Friday, July 30, 2010

A Look Into My Subconcious

Had a really strange dream a couple of nights back.

Was driving down the road, and passed a bunch of people working by the side of the road. Holding a bunch of signs, but none of them the standard "Stop" or "Slow" signs that road-work people usually have. Just had signs that looked similar to the colors of one of those Simon games. A circle divided into quarters with different colors in each segment.

Then they started yelling at me for not stopping when they told me to, claiming that their signs were meant to relay that message to me.

And instead of stopping, I decided that the best thing for me to do was yell back about their use of non-standard signage.

Very strange.

1 comment:

Su said...

That sounds very much like something you do (yell at people for non-standard sign use).