Monday, July 5, 2010


Haylie Duff, Ryan Merriman (2008) A group of executives go camping for fun and games until someone stalks them through the forest.

Syfy Sunday movie from 6/13.

If the footage being shown during the credits is anything to go by, this movie will just be another movie about inbred cannibals that eat a bunch of people that the viewer doesn't care about.

Basically, the same as a whole bunch of other movies. The Wrong Turn series, and a bunch of other stuff that I can't really remember at this point.

And I've been watching this movie in very short increments, as its really all I can take at any one time. Basically, the way my reviews go is that I watch until I have something to say, and then I start blogging. And this one's gotten to be almost all the way through, and I haven't yet had anything that would tell me that its any different from my initial impressions, as described by my first paragraph.

And strangely enough, the sheriff who is in league with the baddies (again, a staple of these movies) is yelling trying to attract the attention of the people we're supposed to care about, and yet, when one of the main female characters starts screaming, they shush her and prevent her from making any noise. I guess the sheriff guy just wants to be uninterrupted in his loud rambling.

And the black guy pulled the pin on a grenade and was using it as a deadman switch. But in the course of telling the baddies to back off, one of his threats was that he'd pull the pin on the grenade. But, in the end, it was just a smoke grenade. Where the smoke lasted for all of 5 seconds. So, just generally useless after all.

Also, it would seem that if you shoot the driver of a car, the car itself will explode shortly thereafter. Granted, I am leaving out a whole bunch of context here, but I like it better my way.

1 comment:

Su said...

Wow. That was worse than a Hillary Duff movie.