Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bonus Bonus Word of the Day!


My drive home from work has one section of road with a good couple of turns.

Usually, there are a bunch of cars on the road, which prevent me from taking the turns as fast as I'd like. (Because, lord knows, people around here can't drive for shit. Especially around turns)

Today, the road was perfectly clear. It was awesome. There were a couple of times when it looked like I was going to catch up to the car in front of me, right before a turn. But, then, shortly before the turn, the car would turn off, and get out of my way.


Su said...

So best drive home ever?

Dan said...

Yeah, pretty much.

Trevor said...

again, hand brake turns work like a charm

Su said...

If you could handbrake turn through traffic, you would be my hero.