Monday, June 7, 2010

The Dunwich Horror

Jeffrey Combs, Griff Furst (2009) A man searches for a book that will enable him to open a portal to another dimension.

This movie has some impressive characters. Such as a guy with an impressive overbite. Or underbite. Or whatever the one is where the lower jaw sticks about 3 feet forward.

And some other dude with some pretty dang impressive eyebrows.

Also, Chtulhu. Hasn't showed up yet, but he's been mentioned a good bit. I'm hoping.

And, bonus Dean Stockwell.

But, honestly I wasn't paying enough attention to gather anything else about this movie...

And my brother has just walked in and has given the monster the very apt name of "Space Anus". Thanks for that contribution.

1 comment:

Su said...

If only you'd written the dialogue of their adventures together using their code names I would have been enthralled.