Sunday, October 25, 2009

Starship Troopers

Just picked up the DVD for stupid cheap.

What a delightfully random and ridiculous movie.

You'd think that after their disastrous showing during that first battle, the Mobile Infantry might have tried to develop a weapon more suited to fighting the bugs, than the small caliber Morita rifle that they use for the whole film.

Also, Jake Busey seems just as insane as his father Gary. Or maybe its just the hair and the teeth that make him look that way.

Also, now for some incredibly random randomness. Denise Richards' character in that James Bond movie was named Christmas Jones. The actress who plays Betty Draper on Mad Men is named January Jones. I wonder if they're related.

Also, why the hell would they keep their fleet so closely bunched together? Basically all you'd need to do is just fire a couple of random shots, and you'd be guaranteed to hit something. Much like the bugs did in this movie.

Also, speaking of bugs, are they ever going to make a film adaptation of Ender's Game? That could be either really, really good, or really, really terrible.

Also, I'm impressed by the amount of "That Guys" there are in the movie. Lassiter from Psych, Neil Patrick Harris, and a bunch of others...


Su said...

I have actually heard rumors that they're going to... but then again... I also think they just can't do it.

Trevor said...

we need to have a starship troopers night. Wait, did we talk about this before on another occasion??

by the way, the gary busey scale of ugliness:

Su said...

You two are fantastic.