Thursday, October 15, 2009

Point Break

Gary Busey is insane. Just thought you might want to know.

And I'm not sure I understand the allure of surfing.

And Keanu Reeves cannot act for a damn.

Oh, and Patrick Swayze is dead. FYI.

Some cop just rocked the flipping the jack-in-the-box bird. Good to know that particular gesture was popular around... oh, say... (excuse me while I check Wikipedia)... 1991.

I imagine this would be a lot more interesting if I was more in tune with surfer culture. Although I imagine this is how normal people see climbers.

Keanu: "I can't describe what I'm feeling."
That would be because you're a terrible actor, Keanu. Tewwible with a capital tewwible. And you just got you ass beat by a nekkid chick.

Also! Dr. Cox as Keanu and Busey's boss!

And Ronald Reagan just threw a pit bull at Keanu.

I'm wondering how he's going to explain the whole shooting at the sky thing. Since its 1991, the Soviet Union still exists. Perhaps he was trying to shoot down Soviet satellites.

Also, Patrick Swayze has awesome hair. And Busey's really freaking good at hitting people in the center of mass. And the forehead at other times. Behind hostages.

Swayze: "I know you want me so bad, its like ass in your mouth." I may have misheard, but whatever he actually said, I think its funnier my way. IMDB thinks its "acid". I'll stick with my way.

Also, this is awesome: Point Break Live!

1 comment:

Su said...

I kinda want to be in that.